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火锅电动餐桌厂家 电动餐台的养护

火锅电动餐桌厂家  电动餐台的养护

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火锅电动餐桌厂家 电动餐台的养护配置参数

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材质 功率 电源 工艺
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火锅电动餐桌厂家 电动餐台的养护详细说明

火锅电动餐桌厂家  电动餐台的养护
On the Maintenance of Electric Dining Table
1、 Solid wood electric table electric dining table Solid wood electric dining table electric dining table has obvious signs of moisture, manifested as paint discoloration, mold spots, and swelling and cracking of the affected parts. Solution: Place the solid wood electric table electric dining table in a ventilated area and let it air dry naturally. Do not expose it to sunlight or fire. Usually, place desiccants in the corners of internal drawers or tables to prevent moisture and mold.

二、布艺电动餐台布艺电动餐台要保持表面清洁,好是能定期打理,火锅电动餐桌厂家  电动餐台的养护避免灰尘长期覆盖,一旦出现潮湿很难清理干净,同时也会导致面料变色、褪色。受潮严重还会出现霉斑,一旦生成很难清理干净。
2、 The fabric electric dining table should maintain a clean surface, which can be regularly taken care of to avoid long-term dust coverage. Once damp, it is difficult to clean, and it can also cause fabric discoloration and fading. Severe dampness can also cause mold spots, which are difficult to clean once they are formed.
Moreover, the fabric will lose its elasticity after being damp, becoming wrinkled and not three-dimensional enough, shortening its service life. Solution: If you find it damp, use a hair dryer or air dryer to dry it, but pay attention to the distance from the fabric to avoid damaging it, affecting its appearance and service life.
三、板式电动餐台板式电动餐台防潮能力比一般的强,但粘合处容易受潮,火锅电动餐桌厂家  电动餐台的养护导致变形甚至开裂。解决方法:要多通风,接缝部位放置小包干燥剂自然吸干。
3、 Plate electric dining table has stronger moisture-proof ability than ordinary ones, but the bonding area is prone to moisture, leading to deformation and even cracking. Solution: Ventilation should be increased, and small bags of desiccant should be placed at the seams to naturally absorb and dry.
4、 Leather electric dining tables are prone to fading, discoloration, or hardening of the leather after being damp, and in severe cases, mold spots may appear.
Solution: Use a soft wet cloth to wipe the dust off the surface of the electric dining table, then use a soft dry cloth to wipe it clean. After the surface is air dried, apply a layer of protective oil for leather electric dining tables such as mink oil, sheep oil, leather oil, etc. on the surface of the leather. You can also place desiccants on the leather electric dining table.
If mold has occurred, a small area can be treated with electric dining table restoration paste. After repairing the wound, a layer of anti mold and antibacterial paste can be applied to prevent mold from growing again. If it is a large area of mold, it needs to be handed over to a professional electric dining table renovation company for treatment.
The moisture-proof measures for electric dining tables must be taken from the root cause, and indoor humidity can be controlled by appropriately using desiccants or dehumidifiers to reduce indoor humidity.

买火锅电动餐桌厂家 电动餐台的养护的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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